
Don McIntyre's blog. See www.donmcintyre.com


The Sower (audio to come soon, hopefully)

You and me, everyone carryin’ on
Leading or following our way
Up or down, true or false, right or wrong
Someone somewhere maybe has something to say

God is not anything like we conceive Him
Religion aside, we don’t trust or believe Him
Our souls are filled up with our fathers and mothers
Bosses and presidents and preachers and brothers
Who can admit they’ve been cut into pieces?
Pharisees - they always crucify Jesus>>>

>>>Some fell on tangled ground, and some fell on rocky ground
Some grew and continued to grow
When the Sower went out to sow

You and me, everyone carryin’ on
What seems to be in our way?
Up or down, true or false, right or wrong
Someone somewhere maybe has something to say

We see it and touch it and worry and feel
Our calculations and perceptions tell us its real
All time, money, energy to work it and change it
To fix or destroy it or just rearrange it
Grace, friends and family all taken for granted
We’re like the heretic in tears who still never recanted>>>

You and me, everyone carryin’ on
Where is the end of our way?
Up or down, true or false, right or wrong
Someone somewhere maybe has something to say

The veil of the body with eyes wide and blind
Will tear off and roll back and reveal what’s behind
Every motive well hidden will rise to the call
Every word ever whispered is shouted to all
The true gods of our souls will embrace us forever
In radient glory all singing and warm
Or insults that sting like a bellowing storm>>>