
Don McIntyre's blog. See www.donmcintyre.com


Please fill in the blank for yourself

When the home you grew up in was a [blank] home...
When all or most of your friends are reflexively [blank] and your entire social environment would reject you if you were not also [blank]...
When all or most of the movies and television you watch and music you listen to are [blank]...
When all or most of your teachers are so closed-mindedly [blank] that you have to express [blank] views to get a good grade...
When the significant other you have chosen for yourself is a [blank]...
When the only versions you ever hear of any other point of view are misrepresentations and stereotypes from those who are [blank]...
When your arguments for being [blank] arise, not out of rational discourse or an honest exploration of facts, but out of defensiveness...

Then, of course, you are a [blank].
To you, there is no difference between being "[blank]" and being "healthy" or "normal."

It would take a rare degree of intellectual courage to give yourself any other label.
There is one thing you are definitely NOT, and that is - a rebel.