
Don McIntyre's blog. See www.donmcintyre.com


"The rich should pay their fair share."
"It's not right for some to have too much while others do not have enough."

Here's a lesson in economics from human history:

Most people, regardless of facts or free choices made, believe themselves to be on the unfair end of the wealth spectrum.

In virtually any context, human nature is essentially ungrateful - assuming itself to be less fortunate than "those other guys." That means that while YOU are looking "up" at those who have more than you, and ignoring those who are "down" and have less than you...

...A whole lot of people - surprise to you - are looking "up" at you with that same envy.

When the rhetoric reaches a fever pitch, and to envy is added sufficient doses of self-righteousness and rage,
while YOU fight to get YOURS from the ones you envy,
someone else is going to be coming after YOU.

There will be change, all right. You can bet your mansion, house, apartment, car or refrigerator box on it.