
Don McIntyre's blog. See www.donmcintyre.com


you were a tiny chigger of a child
you cannot even imagine it now, but you were innocent then
you were innocent then
you were a tiny child

whatever corruption was there
was still buried so deep inside
that it was mere string theory
not noticeable, not impacting anything, therefore unworthy of notice
or explanation

when your mother nursed you
you knew it was because of your hunger
when your father made a face at you
you knew it was because he wanted to make you giggle
chigger giggle

when they slapped your hand
you knew it was because your hand was going to a bad place
when they moved to a different place
you knew it was a better place

when they left you alone with mrs. miserable
in the classroom
you knew it was good in a way you did not understand
and that's why there's education

when they screamed at each other
you knew it was about justice and fairness
and therefore, goodness