
Don McIntyre's blog. See www.donmcintyre.com


The United Grievances of America

A Partial List of Grievances

Chistians, because their belief and value systems are being attacked
Atheists, because they don't want to have to be offended by overt Christianity in public places
Muslims, because they are subject to prejudice as potential terrorists
Conservatives, because liberals run the media and public education
Liberals, because conservatives want to impose their values on everybody
Undocumented aliens, because the United States refuses to see itself as a nation of immigrants
Citizens, because illegal immigrants get special treatment that should be reserved for citizens
Racial minorities, because they are being held back and mistreated by white racism
White people, because affirmative action keeps them from being fairly rewarded for their efforts
The poor, because they don't have their fair share in "the lottery of life"
The rich, because they pay a disproportionate percentage of the nation's income taxes
Women, because of the culture is an unfair patriarchy
Men, because feminism socially castrates them
Old people, because they contributed so much to society and now are not properly cared for
Young people, because society keeps trying to press them into outdated molds
The homeless, because people with money don't care about them
Homeowners, because economic realities and government fees are too burdensome

Name a category: it's angry about being treated unfairly.
What a horrible country this must be.
Surely, there is no hope.

"Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those who have his good will."