
Don McIntyre's blog. See www.donmcintyre.com


In Western Civilization, many have the assumption that those who are wealthy gained their wealth through inheritance or by some unethical means. This was often a valid assumption prior to the 17th Century, meaning there was a valid basis for resentment on the part of the poor (and those who considered themselves poor).

The assumption became less valid as time went on - as the Middle Class increased and the possibility of social mobility - upward or downward - became more and more a possibility.

It is thus ironic that, as modern Socialism arose in the latter 19th Century, it's philosophical basis was less legitimate than it had ever been before.

Today, in the United States of America, if someone is wealthy, it is very likely that they are that way simply because they EARNED it - with hard work, risk, well researched investment, and a bit of good luck. If you resent them - and much more, if you want the government to punish them and redistribute their wealth - it would be wise to reconsider your opinion.

The true Robin Hoods of our own day are aiming their arrows (metaphorically speaking) at the phony rhetoric of corrupt, fat, greedy, politicians and their friends in Hollywood.

"The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class shall represent and repress them in parliament." -Vladimir Ilyich Lenin