
Don McIntyre's blog. See www.donmcintyre.com


Global Harming


Girl standing outside the local library, taking a survey for a class project, asks, "Do you believe in global warming?"


Of course I believe in global warming. The earth has been going through alternate periods of warming and cooling for a very long time. Every educated person knows that.

Now let me tell you what your teacher really wants this conversation to be about:

Do I believe -

#1: That there is an unusual degree of global warming going on right now.

#2: That the warming is caused primarily by human beings.

#3: That if it goes unchecked, there will be irreparable damage to human life on earth.

#4: That business and industry in the United States should be significantly checked in order to avoid tragedy.

My response to all four:

Since there has been no credible, public examination of the possible political agenda behind such ideas, and since scientific fraud receives nowhere near the public attention it deserves, there are higher priority issues about which an intelligent person should currently be concerned.

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