
Don McIntyre's blog. See www.donmcintyre.com


"Are You Religious?"

Almighty God in Heaven
Thank you for your powerful love toward me
and for my feelings of righteousness
Thy kingdom keep coming

Kind comfort food which art on my plate
Thank you for your ease of ingestion
and for filling me with your spirit
Fatten me full
Give me this day my daily you
For thine is the fullness

Gentle alcohol which art in the bottle
Thank you for your easy mixability
which is better than forgiveness
Make the world look like a better place
Deliver me from my soul
For thine is the numbness

Glorious social cause which art impressively rhetorical
Thank you for your noble appearance
and for making me better than Them who are unforgivable
Defeat all that I fear
Lead me not into self-questioning
For thine is the government funds

Majestic money which art in my wallet
Thank you for your transcendent symbolism
and for boundless hope
Tempt me only with what is obtainable
Satisfy desire
For thine is the stuff