
Don McIntyre's blog. See www.donmcintyre.com


Status Report

"And how are you today?" from the lady (?) behind the counter when I paid for my gas (thats fuel for my truck - not Mexican food).

Just ran across this possible response (evidently a traditional Scottish saying):

"I try to enjoy livin',
'cause I'll be a long time dead."

Please let me know if you use it.


Status Report, Happy Moron

Since beginning this blog, I have been asked how I'm doing 14 times, including a number of occurences since my last post. Thanks to B.S. for a delightful e-mail trying to explain why people ask me the question so often. Great to hear from you, B. Can I have permission to post a few of your very insightful - and generally applicable - comments? Congrats on the recent major lifestyle change. Great use of irony, by the way, in clarifying several times that you were *not* enquiring how I'm doing. I'd love to see you soon. You're one of the greatest people I have ever known; I hope you eventually have 10 kids. Really.


No relation to B.S., but this little item from the July 1929 issue of Eugenics Review seemed worth sharing as a possible colorful response to "HahYuhDooin?":

See the happy moron,
He doesn't give a damn.
I wish I were a moron.
My God! Perhaps I am!