
Don McIntyre's blog. See www.donmcintyre.com


Being "saved"  means:
Hearing and believing the Good News that
Jesus is available with His kingdom (His way of governing)
and it is now possible for anyone who wishes
to come to Him and trust Him,
and learn His redemptive (rescuing and transforming) presence
in all that we  perceive, experience, feel, know and do.

"Faith" is the genuine confidence that
He is the One who is completely in charge.

Becoming and remaining a disciple (apprentice) to Jesus
is the only sane response to that message.

Are we proclaiming (or hearing) a Gospel
that has a natural tendency to produce disciples (apprentices) to Jesus?
Or do we proclaim (or hear) a Gospel
that merely generates consumers of religious goods and services? -

-A "gospel" of mere forgiveness,
-of merely being "a good person" or "loving yourself,"
-of mere family or group loyalty,
-of mere community service,
-of mere social or political activism,
-of changing America
does not produce disciples.

The Gospel of the Kingdom (summarized by Dallas Willard, with some additions (in red) for greater clarity - and which are faithful to what DW himself taught.)

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