
Don McIntyre's blog. See www.donmcintyre.com


Political activists, exercise nuts, money nuts, atheists, missionaries, sports fanatics, American Idol contestants...

People do not become what we become out of some rational process. People do not spend some length of time examining objectively all the facts, weighing evidences, hearing all opinions, etc., in an effort to find truth.

No, people have a sense of void, a visceral craving to make sense out of what makes no sense, to feel connected to what is essentially disconnected, to put together what is irremediably fragmented, to control that which can not be controlled, to do something about all those resentments, shames and fears that lurk just beneath the thin film of consciousness. To “feel good about” ourselves and at least a few others.

Then, because of various accidents of circumstance -- random natural, psychological and cultural processes -- we “decide” to commit to this or that. We become political activists, exercise nuts, money nuts, atheists, missionaries, sports fanatics, American Idol contestants, and on and on, because we are driven to... BE... or DO... SOMETHING.

Then of course, it is necessary to build up some sort of reasonable sounding rhetoric to justify the “decision.” Once the justifying rhetoric is sufficiently grown up sounding, we can take ourselves to the world for display. And we can say that we need to DO something ABOUT so and so, or BE something in the world of so and so.

And so arises the essential engine of all that is silly and destructive in human history: the campaigns, manipulations, street corner demonstrations, kitchen table arguments, gatherings, television commentaries, and wars that are all intended to do the same thing: prove that the identity I have chosen is better than the identity you have chosen; prove that the cause I have chosen is better than the cause you have chosen; prove that I deserve success more than you do.

It is all so arbitrary and shallow and ultimately, ugly. But what else is there?

What are we supposed to do instead -- the little things we do from moment in the daily routine -- tie our shoes, punch in to the time clock, brush our teeth, make a baby, cut the grass? And simply accept the natural processes that relentlessly turn our bodies to soil and our “souls” to various gasses and electrical impulses?

Why not? It’s worth a try.


Stupid Things You Hear All the Time, #79

The Stupid thing:

"My personal view is that __1__ is __2__. But I don't believe a __3__'s personal opinions should become government legislation."

Fill in the blanks:
1. abortion; United States involvement in the war; illegal immigration; the public education monopoly; gun ownership; etc.
2. right; wrong; good for the country; etc.
3. politician, legislator, public servant, president, senator, representative

Why this is a stupid thing to say:

A. Every law or policy that has ever been enacted by a government agency is an affirmation of one opinion at the expense of another. There is no other choice. This means that one group of politicians (and citizens) will get what they personally desire while another group will not.

B. In a healthy and functional social environment, candidates say what they really believe and desire, and the voter chooses which set of beliefs and desires are most worthy of his or her vote. Elected officials are then supposed to push the agendas they said they would.

What's really happening when you hear this particular stupid thing:

A politician wants to get elected, not for any noble reason, but because of the many very gratifying, influential and self-enriching perks that go along with public office. This politician does not think s/he can get a majority vote by being honest. So this stupid statement is supposed to win voters on one side of an issue by pretending to agree with them, while also winning voters on the other side by promising not to legislate based on an opinion with which they do not agree.

And as always, don't forget: such dishonest hedging and manipulation takes place at all levels of politics: parents, sports team owners, union leaders, executive presbyters, etc.

Politics at It's Best!

I put a lot of time and effort into writing and publishing a book on the inherent evil of politics. (You should buy it. Little Crucifixions is at a fine book store near you or on the web.)

So it is no small thing for me to recommend an article about politics in this election. I wish it was required reading for everyone who has the right to vote and who also can read.

"The Presidential Candidates Issues Quiz," July 7.
Find it at http://www.britannica.com/blogs/author/jcampbell/feed

(See if you can figure out why idealogues don't want simple fairness like this.)



Messiahs of Hope and Change - Don't Hold Your Breath

The more people we wish to influence, the more we are required to be political, manipulative, dishonest; in a word, falsely godlike

With regard to how I might want to change or improve human experience, I can limit my intentions to myself only, in which case I would focus on taking responsibility for myself and my own character and actions. I would focus on self-improvement, becoming the kind of person I would like to see others become. And I would have great legitimate power in the endeavor, for individuals have innumerable resources available to them to use in the cause of personal growth -- both the hidden personal kind and the more relational and public kind.

Or I might choose to partner with one special person in a relationship: my mate, a son or daughter, a friend, or even a rival. In such a case I would still take responsibility for myself, but I would enter into an implied agreement -- either unilaterally or otherwise -- to give and receive assistance one-on-one. The legitimate power would be shared, perhaps 50-50, and while the depth of a few personal resources for change would decrease, the quantity of intimate resources would rise considerably. A new dynamic would arise, namely the potential for exercising illegitimate power via manipulation or deception, but this would likely be relatively easy to influence or control.

And so on through various stages up to that point t which so many people jump immediately, virtually ignoring all previous stages. Namely, "to change the world." Here the possibility of significant positive change is minimal, while the possibility of harmful dynamics is extremely high. The deception and manipulation become possible at every turn, the temptation to yield to them growing increasingly strong. Effort is expended at high levels, related to governments, widespread social and political organizations and actions, the effort to raise money, the exercise or desire to exercise power over many, etc.

It is probably impossible for one to remain at higher levels of such endeavors without manifesting corruption much more than true goodness, nobility, compassion -- or even usefulness. At this level, human goodness and love increasingly become merely rhetorical tools.

Many people enter politics or some other major public arena of social change with consciously noble intentions. One does not spend much time wielding such influence at such a high level without confronting, consciously or unconsciously, the fact that that they must either continue at such a position and diminish or dilute their original noble intentions (except in speeches), or they will change their position in life to something less ambitious, less public, less prestigious, less profitable.

This is why the best that humanity has to offer tend to be found among the common people, neither needing nor receiving notoriety, while the worst are judges and politicians, corporate executives, institutional religious leaders, and the like.

This is also why most widespread controversies become simplified into two sides holding up signs or spouting rhetoric on news commentary programs. Since it is merely rhetoric, requiring only one enemy to work its magic, and since it is perpetuated at high levels where contact with the complex and nuanced concerns of the real people are largely ignored, the controversies are loud and emotional and almost always completely futile when it comes to real positive change in society.

This is also why leaders at high levels are constantly implementing policies that are contrary to common sense. In the world behind their veil, what drives policy decisions is bribes, ambition, self-righteous blindness and the like.

And don't forget blackmail: a politician with something to hide is a slave to anyone who can expose what is hidden.

Beneath the public rhetoric and the demonization of what is falsely called "the other side," they either don't know or don't care what is necessary for a healthy culture. So for example, violent criminals are set free from prison over and over again, banks make obscene profits lending money at obscene interest rates even as the national economy sinks to critical levels of dysfunctionality, wars against relatively harmless nations are fought over relatively silly reasons, while completely justified wars with truly vicious and dangerous nations are avoided. And on and on.

In the meantime, fathers keep going to unsatisfying, tedious jobs because they care about supporting their families. Teachers continue to bring the best they have to offer to students even as they themselves are abused by incompetent, overpaid layers of administration. People continue to pay their taxes, obey traffic laws, and tolerate unruly neighbors, and are harassed by dozens of bureaucracies for reasons that are absurd when compared to the types of crimes that so often go unpunished.

But the common people simply can't let go of the idea that a truly good person can become king or queen of the mountain, exercise power, listen to fawning agenda driven "handlers" and "advisers," continuously "trade favors," and yet remain good. For those who cannot or will not find a level of satisfaction and personal power within the strict boundaries of harsh reality, there is little to do but hope for a messiah.

Unfortunately, a true messiah will rarely if ever run for high office, build a long career as a CEO, or sit at the top of a bureaucracy. A true messiah can, must and will... be eliminated, one way or another, by the power status quo. True messiahs get fired, get imprisoned unfairly, get hounded into obscurity by lies and deception, are silenced by threats, or if they remain persistent and the status quo is powerful enough, are murdered.

Meanwhile, the best of humanity concerns itself with doing its job, raising its family, paying its bills, getting a good night's sleep, and maintain some minimal level of physical and mental health. Almost without exception, the messiahs among them die without following their calling.


The Kathreftis Logocosm

What is the mirror's identity before someone looks at?

We look at a wall; we look through a window; but we look into a mirror.
When we investigate something unknown, mysterious, perhaps diabolical, we say we are looking into it.

Clearly there is a universe inside the mirror.

It is easy to see the mirror simply as a metaphor for looking at or into one's self. But is that really all it is? Is that really all it is when we remember the arbitrariness of our distinctions? Let the distinctions dissolve as they so easily can and so often do, and the possibilities seem infinite, as indeed they should. The mirror is not simply an object, but a tool of consciousness, and therefore a component of consciousness, and therefore -- conscious.

The mirror is a black hole. Collapsing into itself, it is an irresistible vacuum drawing in everything that comes near, ultimately depositing these things... where?

We do not see a mirror, we see what is reflected. Or to put it another way, the mirror does not give us itself. We like to keep our distance from life, to avoid danger, to objectify, to merely understand when we should be experiencing or transforming, to name things rather than truly encountering them. The mirror allows for none of this. To all but the most shallow, the mirror is by definition a journey to faraway, and to desperately close, which are the same.

Electricity is a force, gravity is a force, the mirror is a force, drawing persons and objects toward it and eventually into it, and also repelling.

It is almost too easy to compare the mirror to the television or the movie screen. All are tools of projection and ingestion. Projection of drama and comedy, ingestion of drama and comedy, they cannot be distinguished.

If we stand behind the mirror, we take on its reflective force. We become that type of person that is always pushing the attention onto some other person or situation, usually because ze (he or she) is uncomfortable being the object of attention. Thus the mirror can be a form of keeping others at a distance, being defensive, hiding something. The mirror hides something in the very act of showing something.

The mirror is a house, a storage and shelter for angels and demons, specters, ghosts, "extraterrestrials," gods and goddesses. To look is to enter. To enter this house is to stir them, so that they walk or fly all about. If no one is looking, they remain still and relaxed, perhaps even bored, like the so-called reality show in which a group of strangers agree to live together in the same house, endlessly reflecting each other while cameras record their every movement and their every interaction.

The mirror that is covered with a sheet or blanket, or sitting in complete darkness, is homeless and perhaps without identity.

Water becomes a mirror when it rests, thus a mirror is a form of water. Water is the opportunity for the universe, or any component of nature, to observe itself. Water is the mirror of the universe. Objects in the universe are then enabled to primp, to self evaluate, to prepare for an upcoming version of a social event in nature. Perhaps objects in the universe have a form of vanity. When the mirror is pointed toward – aimed at - someone who is ashamed of hurmself (him or herself), it becomes a psychological weapon.

If we are not bound to arbitrary scientific distinctions, the mirror is easily seen as a miracle.


No struggle - No justice.
No leadership - No struggle.
No authority - No leadership.
No social hierarchy - No authority.
No INJUSTICE - No social hierarchy.
