(1) everyone is horrified to the maximum degree by an event, and
(2) everyone wants to stop it from ever happening again, and
(3) almost everyone offers a solution (or a piece of a supposed solution), but
(4) we know for certain that similar events will continue to happen, no matter what -
-Then we may draw three conclusions:
A. The most fundamental root issues, if we were to go exploring behind and beneath all the rhetoric of pseudo-solutions, are matters that most people, most of the time, habitually evade because they are incredibly personal and uncomfortable.
B. The best and truest solution is not even on the radar screen of most people most of the time, and when it ever is (rarely) hinted at, it will be ignored, ridiculed, or utterly misunderstood.
C. People - Americans, certainly - hate to feel vulnerable, and therefore will almost always turn grief into grievance.