News from the Front #3
I was talking with some ERF (Iraqi Swat) don’t ask me what ERF stands for because I get way to confused with all the damn Army acronyms let alone the Iraqi ones. Anyway they were asking me all kinds of questions about me, my family, if I liked to drink (if I would like a drink, which of course I could not but a beer would be good), and they also were very in to talking about the “crazy American women” and how they want all those rights they get. It was pretty humorous. They asked me if my wife drove and I said yes as long as I was not driving. They asked me how many cars I had and I said two, they were beside themselves that my wife had her own car and drove it. We also talked about American cities and they said they wanted to see New York and Miami but definitely not San Francisco; one guy said “no, no, not San Francisco men are not men there,” as he waived is hands in a [flamboyant] way. They said they did not like George Bush but they did like Obama. I of course asked them why and they shrugged and one said “Obama look like me”. Anyway they probably only get CNN and Keith Oberman in Arabic over here so whatever.